Saturday, December 19, 2020

The Catholic Answers Forum Dropbox

The Catholic Answers Forums are set to end at month's end, so here's a post that can act as a drop box for people to do stuff like check in and say "Hi!", present links, and otherwise keep in touch.  This is especially true for those of us who might not be participating in some of the other forums that hope to take CAF's place.

Remember this is just the comments section of a single blog post, but I hope it's a good place that can people stay up to date even years after CAF ceases to be.


  1. Thanks, Mike. Great work. I hope a few people turn up.

    Bradski (or Freddy...).

  2. And crap, I'm registered as Wozza. Don't ask!

  3. Hi everyone! The link worked great. Wozza, what’s wrong with being registered as wozza? We’re you someone else?

    1. Hey, Patty. Good that you stayed in touch as it were. I've given myself a couple of weeks off the internet as much as possible so this is a late reply.

      Long story short re Wozza: Most friends know me as that. I'll skip the reason for the nickname - maybe a short story made longer one evening over a beer. In fact I'm pretty certain that quite a few people don't actually know my real name (Ian).

      Then when I signed up on a Christian site very many years back I set up a temp email address rather than use my own and it was so I was Brad for years. Then Bradski when I started at CA. Then I got sent to the naughty corner until 2120 (I thought that was the time I could get back at first. Like 9:20pm...). So I rejoined as Fred.

      Still yet to find a suitable forum. But I haven't spent much time looking yet.

  4. You can post as anonymous??? I may register, but first a little game. Can I be identified without my user name?

    I have posted at CAF for 15 years, tens of thousands of posts.
    I stay to the middle, mostly.
    I believe in being respectful at all times
    I am an older male, but have nothing to do with bears.
    Former Baptist, convert.

    Oh, and I like cats.

    1. Bradski, no worries. I've done that more than once :)

      Hi, Patty! It's very nice to see you won't be lost in the ether. (I'll edit this post for others to guess if I'm right.)

      Anonymous, yeah I figured I didn't want to put up a barrier to people popping in and saying hello. If it becomes a problem I can always change it. I'm going to guess you are pnewton.

    2. Bingo, that is correct. I never cared for anonymity, but I thought it might be fun.

      It was the cat, right?

    3. Yep! Everything else except for former Baptist covers a bunch of CAFers, and even that has a few candidates. But the cat, LOL.

  5. Banned from CAF several years resurrected from the grave.

    1. Since I said nothing about zombies -- welcome aboard!

  6. OK guys, I am now a fully paid up memeber of Christian Forums :

    I've been there a few weeks to check it out and itbseems a decent place for honest dicussion. There are certain areas that one cannot access if you haven't nominated yourself as a Christian but it's not too restrictive. There are apolovetic and ethics sub forums which are pretty busy (and, good grief, one on evolution). I'm registered as per my original CA name - Bradskii.

    Call in and say hi!

    1. Good deal! I'll check it out. (Sorry for the incredibly late reply.)
